Reuter Meydan Investment House Ltd. is an investment portfolio and IRA management company founded by Dr. Adam Reuter and Moshe Meydan (MA), two experienced and professional capital market veterans.  These veteran market professionals have many years of involvement and cumulative experience in investment management and decision making in private portfolios, mutual funds, companies and institutionals on a scale of billions of shekels.  
















Moshe Meydan – CEO and chief investment manager


Moshe Meydan has rich capital market experience in investment portfolio management for private and institutional bodies by virtue of his former full-time position as chairman and board member of investment and audit committees of institutional bodies on a scale of billions of shekels (insurance companies, provident and bank and non-bank pension funds, mutual funds) and of a venture capital fund as well as his position as CEO, director and chief investment manager for portfolio and fund management firms. Moshe Meydan was one of the founders of the portfolio manager union management of the Israel Chamber of Commerce and was an economic commentator for The Color of Money radio program broadcast on Reshet Bet. Additionally, Moshe Meydan is a sometime lecturer on capital market topics at various colleges, banks and a training course for financial press reporters. Moshe Meydan holds an Israel Securities Authority license in portfolio management. Moshe Meydan has a bachelor's degree in economics and business administration and a master's degree (cum laude) in political science with a track in international relations. Moshe Meydan also has over 20 years of service in the Israel Air Force as an air crew member with the rank of reserve lieutenant colonel.





Reuter Maydan Investment House Ltd. manages investment portfolios of diverse investment channels in the capital market for private investors and private and public companies. We specialize in providing answers in the management of fairly large investment portfolios.


Additionally, Reuter Meydan Investment House Ltd. is able to meet the investment needs of sophisticated investors (such as CFOs whose private investments are managed by us, etc.) or persons with special demands with respect to the selection of investment channels.


The company applies the rich knowledge and successful experience over the years in financial risk management for business and public companies, external investment management of mutual fund assets and hedge fund management. In light of our vast experience, we have the ability to evaluate and assess the markets and their bearing on private investor portfolios or companies through the prism of investment decision makers at institutional bodies, mutual funds etc.



The company also provides personal management of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) while maintaining the rights and benefits awarded savers in regular provident funds. Our clients enjoy personally tailored money management according to individual levels of risk and client profile and risk profile (overall financial state, employment situation, length of investment, ability to cope with extreme capital market volatility, etc.).


Reuter Meydan Investment House  Ltd. emphasizes and invests tremendous effort in building investment portfolios based on an in-depth macro and micro financial analysis of the industries, companies and other investment channels traded on the stock exchange in Israel and abroad, with  occasional reliance on investment vehicles that enable reducing portfolio equity exposure when there is a higher estimated probability of the risk being realized. At times, and as part of the investment concept of risk diversification, various exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are used in investment portfolio building.


Reuter Meydan Investment House Ltd. specializes in financial investments in varied fields to enable a wide diversity of investments and flexibility in management of the customer's investment portfolio.


Reuter Meydan Investment House Ltd. has broad and professional knowledge that enables building an investment portfolio invested in foreign securities, including tailor made foreign currency needs. The company also has at its disposal the largest non-bank foreign currency trading room in Israel and a shekel desk for the local market, providing portfolio managers with analytical depth and investment strategies for hedging risks and exposure.


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